Monday, July 25, 2005

This could really hurt!

You didn't know I could look this bad in the morning, did you?

Off to the Bahamas on the Disney Cruise

With my favorite buddy Eeyore

I know I should respect my elders...but....

Dancing with the Natives in Africa...well actually at Animal Kingdom in Florida...but I can imagine can't I?

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Family Life

As most of you know, I found my biological family a couple years ago. There have been many happy reunions. I am so happy to have found my sisters and grandfather and aunts, uncles and cousins. I have been given a warm reception by most and some, I can't imagine my life without ever again. My oldest sister, Jackie and I, are so close it seems as though we were never apart. It is amazing how God brought us all together. It has been some of the happiest moments in my life.

My beloved grandfather

Destiny, my neice

Tracey's daughter, Destiny

My youngest sister, Tracey

Jackie with my nephew Colby

Picture of my neice, Lauren and nephew, Jeremy

She hates having her picture taken

Picture of my beloved oldest sister Jackie.

Going to the Birds

I never planned to have birds, but now I can't imagine life without them. They keep life interesting. Chico was born in 1999 and I have had him since he was weaned. Toad came from a friend and Toad is getting up there in years. He is between 23 and 25 years old. I am not sure. He has always been a special bird. He is crippled, but he is always happy and cheerful. You can learn a lot of lessons from animals! Sometimes I think that is why God gave us the priviledge of having them.

Pretty Bird Toad...taking time to be social

Taking to survey things

Playing with the Dogs toys

Playing Hide and Seek!

Singing for his supper in the water box

Having a bit of a spat!

Taking a walk on the wild side

Parakeets...Sunny and Sunshine, Mickey and Baby having a conference

Chico and Toad making plans for an adventure


Rascal was my first baby. She was born in August of 1995 and I adopted her when she was 5 weeks old from the Humane Society in Greenville, South Carolina. She has been with me through thick and thin and is my pride and joy. She will be 10 years old this year. How time does fly.She is a terrier mix although exactly which terriers she has is still a curiosity to most. She is the sweetest most gentle dog in the world (of course I wouldn't be predjudiced). I will never be able to imagine my life without her. She has gone through almost all of my adult life with me and she has made it worth every day!

All dressed up and a bow??? Really, now! I hate it when I have to get dressed up!

Did you say we were going for a walk?

Can we stay and play, mom? and refreshing

Naptime anyone?

All tied up!

All together is grand

Taking a break from the sun

Surveying the Canadian accomodations. I think they will be just fine!

Taking a walk on the wild side. I am an international dog...I walked from Canada to America and back again!

Helping dig up the garden

Going camping

Watching TV

Stealing Ted E Bear's first bed at his birthday party!

Ted E Bear

Ted E Bear was born in August of 2003. I decided I needed another dog because after I moved to Michigan, Rascal decided to sleep in another room with Cindy, my roommate. I was lonely and decided I needed another dog who would sleep with me. Well, we searched and found Ted E Bear. He is named such because he looks like a "Gund" teddy bear and he sits like a real bear. Anyway, he is all boy and very naughty and very smart. He is a good brother to his little sister, Pixie Dust. He absolutely adores her. Unfortunately, he doesn't sleep with me either. He sleeps on the floor beside my bed. Oh well, that is a little comfort. He is a very funny dog and I am glad he is mine!

Ted E Bear

Look what I found!

Enjoying the Canadian park

Resting in the hot sun at the beach

This is my present! Don't mess with me!

My first year birthday party! Cool presents!

I am very mischevious. I like to get into trouble! It's fun!

Picnic anyone?

Hurray for the Red, White and Blue!

I need a nap..all this playing when you are sick is hard work!

Playing with my big sister, Rascal. She doesn't seem to be too happy with me.