Wednesday, October 12, 2005

God's symbol of hope and love to me while there was a priceless treasure!

This picture reminds me of the verse in Psalms that says "Oh that I had wings like a dove; then I could fly away and be at rest." I have often longed for that at times!

more pictures of the serene park

the upstairs of the castle

a bookstore in the shape of a once was an old theater

The Chicago skyline was fascinating to me

another view of the Chicago skyline

View from the cockpit of the Chicago skyline

backside of stained glass entrance/exit of St. Mary's


Grounds of St. Mary's

Fountain at St. Mary's Hospital where my surgery took place

blown glass that was amazing

another view from inside

inside the atrium of the Mayo

only two white ducks amidst the others

feeding the birds

on of my favorite pictures

a very pretty park with lots of ducks and geese

Veterans Memorial Field Park at dusk

Cindy hanging around

View of the city at dusk

9/11 memorial

9/11 attack memorial

Veteran Memorial Wall

Liberation of Kuwait

Pearl Harbor

incredible sights

more carvings of the World Wars

more carvings

carving on the wall

Across from our hotel was a place called Soldiers Memorial Field Park. These are some of the pictures from there.

interesting fountain

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Back From Mayo 10/11/05

Well, I am back from the Mayo Clinic. Boy was that a trip. I was only going to be there two weeks and it turned into three weeks and a surgery. On the flip side of that, we got some things figured out. I haven't had to go in for IV infusions, but then that may be only because I have had my blood drawn once sine I have returned instead of having it checked weekly like I am supposed to, but I will correct that this week. It has been somewhat difficult since Cindy and I have been sharing a car while hers is being repaired.

Things seem to be settling down for me, but actually, I think they are only taking a break. I am going to aquatic physical therapy three times a week this month for the herniated disks in my neck. I will eventually have to have them operated on. My neurosugeon is one of the best. He was called in on the Kennedy case when President Kennedy got shot. He is rather old. But, he seems to know his stuff. Instead of fusing my neck, he wants to replace the herniated disks with some sort of new disks they have come out with or are coming out with. I am not sure.

In the meantime, I have decided to go to school online. I am taking an Advanced Placement in Paralegal Studies. Since I already have a Bachelor of Arts in Technical Writing, I don't have to start all over again and will be able to jump into the heart of the course without having to worry about the extraneous stuff. I will start November 14th. Then, it is my dream to continue on to law school. I don't know if I will see that dream fulfilled, but one day at a time.

That is what is going on around here. Enjoy the new pictures.

another view of the Mayo building

Picture of another famous building that has a carillion on top that was faithfully played by a man in his 80's. He is only the 5th man to ever play the carillion

Picture of some of Mayo buildings