Thursday, May 11, 2006

Health Update as of 5/11/2006

Wow, it has been a bit since I posted to my blog. I am sorry for the delay. There is so much to catch up on. I will try to continue to catch up over the next few weeks.

We have two new dogs. Their names are Miss Bow and Nanook. Miss Bow was my sister's dog. Miss Bow was not adjusting there and so my roommate, Cindy, decided that she wanted her. Miss Bow was pregnant and on the day after we arrived to pick her up, she had Nanook. It was April 8, 2006. She had two puppies but only one survived and she had to have the puppies by c-section. She is doing well in our home and is happy. Both Nanook and Miss Bow are Cindy's dogs. They are funny.

Due to the tragic loss of my beloved bird, Chico, I couldn't stand life without him and so I got another baby cockatiel whom I named Mikko. Mikko is a lot of fun. He was born February 1, 2006. He is very smart and naughty just like Chico. Sometimes I get frustrated that he isn't Chico, but I guess that is all part of the grief process. I am very glad that I got him, however.

At the end of March through April 5th, I was in the hospital here for pneumonia and an infection in my central line. During this time they doctors did some tests and discovered I have a genetic condition called pulmonary vascular disease and restrictive airway disease. We are still waiting for all the test to come back. I don't know what all is in store for me, but I know God has been teaching me a lot over the past few months and He will continue to do so if I allow Him to. I just get to add to my list of specialist! :)

I am continuing my education online at Kaplan University in Paralegal Studies. There have been many obstacles along the way, whether it has been hospitalizations, surgeries, finances or whatever, but the Lord has seem me through all of it and I am happy to report that I am still enjoying my classes and am in my third consecutive term with Kaplan. I have maintainted a 4.0GPA throughout each term. I have taken easy classes this term so that I can enjoy the short summers we have here in Michigan.

Hopefully in the next week or two I will get pictures up of our newest arrivals to the house. They are adorable and keep our lives busy and interesting.

I will keep you updated as I get any news.
I love you. Take care.
Psalms 121
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Goofing off in Canada in Niagara Falls

Goofing off with my roommate in the white coat, my best friend who went to Zambia in the blue coat and me in the yellow coat.
Still clowning around with our other friend in the middle.
The Niagara River on the American side.
A picture of both the Canadian Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls. This is one of my favorite places on earth and I am eager to return. It is the most awesome display of God's creation! Posted by Picasa

The Loss of My Beloved Bird, Chico

I have only had Chico 7 years. He tragically died on Easter Sunday. I thought someone had ripped my insides and heart completely out. I still miss Chico dreadfully. However, I have gotten a new baby cockatiel whose name is Mikko. Mikko means "gift from God" and is Finnish in origin. He is definitely as naughty as Chico. Unfortunately he will never replace the loss of Chico and the piece of my heart that was taken when Chico died. He was a beautiful bird. I had him from the time he was weaned. Chico, I do so miss you! I will never forget all your antics.
Chico playing hide and seek. Now this was a good hiding place. I almost didn't find him.
Chico and Toad, who died in January at the ripe old age of 27, having an argument over who gets to eat the chips!
Chico and Toad having a conference about what they were going to get into that day. How I miss these little guys! Posted by Picasa

My Best Friend's Wedding

She was the most beautiful I have ever seen her. She will have been married two years this summer. It was a privilege to be in her wedding.
My two closest friends. One is now married and the other in Zambia as a missionary. Boy do I miss both of them!
My "surrogate parents" that took me under their wing and my other best friend who went to Zambia enjoying fellowship at the wedding.
Me, my best friend of over 10 years and her new husband. I have no idea why the date on the picture says 04/13/2002 because she got married in the summer of 2004. I hadn't even moved out to Michigan on that date! :) Posted by Picasa

Goofing off with my close friend

Ever tried karaoke? You only live once! Posted by Picasa