Saturday, November 18, 2006

Update as of November 18, 2006

Hello. It is almost December and another year has flown by.
I thought it was time to give you another update. I haven't gotten many more pictures to share, but I do have news on the health front.

I have had a lot of health difficulties lately and it has been a struggle to keep up with everything health related and my schoolwork. Thankfully, the term is almost over and I am still hoping and planning on pullling out a 4.0GPA.

There is news about my friend's son "Celli" who is in Philidelphia for a lung transplant. After months of waiting, he received his transplant on Thursday night. He is doing wonderfully and amazingly well. God has shown another miracle. Please continue to keep little Celli and his mother, Lisa, in your prayers.

On December 15th, I will be having a lower lumber decompression and fusion of my spine. I am very nervous about this and would appreciate your prayers. It will be done at St. Mary's Hospital here in Michigan. I am not sure at this point how long the surgery will take or how long I will have to stay in the hospital. Today, I had an ultrasound on my stomach as my gallbladder and kidneys have been causing me pain. I will find out if anything is abnormal on that next week or December 4th when I go back to my family doctor for medical clearance for this surgery. The doctors are also in the process of diagnosing me with pulmonary hypertension. That is a scary diagnosis and I hope it comes back that it is a different lung disease, not as serious. But, just pray that I make wise decisions over the next few weeks regarding my health.

This Thanksgiving we are having Thanksgiving Dinner and a get-together at my roommate's sister-in-laws house. This is the first Thanksgiving we have done that since I moved out here. It will be a lot of fun, full of delicious food, laughter, games and who knows what else. We always have fun when we go over there. The night before Thanksgiving, we are going the the Great Russian Nutcracker Ballet. Interestingly enough, Cindy's dad travelled with them for a while and did the set-up on stage and built many of their props. It is supposed to be very grand. We are having a girls night out with Cindy, her sister-in-law, Stacy, and mother-in-law, Lori, and myself. We will get dressed up, go out to eat, then go to the ballet. I am sure it will be great fun. I have always been intrigued with the story. I am not sure how much of the holidays I will get to enjoy having back surgery on the 15th, but, I will do my best. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving to each of you. I am thankful for all of you and miss you all. I will post another update soon.

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas if I don't get to tell you that before hand! :)



Psalm 121

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Blogger simplegifts3 said...

Helen! May you have the happiest Thanksgiving you've ever had! Thanks for the update to your blog!

Lynn -- aka "twerp"

12:44 PM  

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